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PhD, Service Management

Volker G. Kuppelwieser est professeur titulaire en marketing à la NEOMA Business School (France). Ses principaux intérêts de recherche sont les expériences de service, le comportement des consommateurs vieillissants et l'inclusion des clients. Il a précédemment occupé plusieurs postes dans le secteur des services et possède 12 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie.

Il enseigne et coordonne des cours de marketing des services, de marketing international des services, de méthodes de recherche et de méthodes quantitatives dans le cadre du PGE, de plusieurs programmes de MSc et de PhD

Il a publié dans des revues telles que Journal of Service Research, Journal of Services Marketing, Annals of Operations Research, Marketing Letters, Human Relations, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Management, et Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, entre autres. Il a également donné de nombreuses présentations lors de conférences et fait office de réviseur et de membre du comité de rédaction pour plusieurs revues de marketing et de comportement organisationnel. Volker est rédacteur en chef adjoint du Journal of Services Marketing et a été rédacteur en chef invité pour différentes revues de marketing.


Domaines de spécialisation

  • Marketing et management des services
  • Individual age perception
  • Customers' Decision Making
  • Methodological Advances
  • Organisational Service Behaviour
  • Group Services
  • Customer Contact Scenarios
  • Expérience client
  • Marketing des services
  • Vieillissement
  • Inclusion
  • Méthodes de recherche
  • Recherche marketing

Récentes contributions académiques

  • MANTHIOU, A., I. ULRICH, V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "The travel influencer construct: An empirical exploration and validation", Tourism Management, Avril 2024, vol. 101, pp. 104858
    DOI : 10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104858
  • COBELLI, N., F. CASSIA, A. ZARDINI, V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "Pharmacies providing health services: Attitudes toward eHealth in Italy", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Janvier 2024, vol. 76
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2023.103568
  • BIANCHI, C., S. TUZOVIC, V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "Investigating the Drivers of Wearable Technology Adoption for Healthcare in South America", Information Technology and People, Mars 2023, vol. 36, no. 2
    DOI : 10.1108/ITP-01-2021-0049


  • MANTHIOU, A., I. ULRICH, V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "The travel influencer construct: An empirical exploration and validation", Tourism Management, Avril 2024, vol. 101, pp. 104858
    DOI : 10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104858
  • COBELLI, N., F. CASSIA, A. ZARDINI, V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "Pharmacies providing health services: Attitudes toward eHealth in Italy", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Janvier 2024, vol. 76
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2023.103568
  • BIANCHI, C., S. TUZOVIC, V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "Investigating the Drivers of Wearable Technology Adoption for Healthcare in South America", Information Technology and People, Mars 2023, vol. 36, no. 2
    DOI : 10.1108/ITP-01-2021-0049
  • MANTHIOU, A., V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "Consumer Reaction to Decelerated Tourism: Pace, Inherent Virtue, and Environmental Concern,", Journal of Travel Research, Septembre 2023, vol. 62, no. 7
  • ROSENBAUM, M., V. G. KUPPELWIESER, G. C. RAMIREZ, A. R. OREJUELA, "Understanding health center–client relationships in the context of a developing Latin America country", International Journal of Hospitality Management, Juillet 2023, vol. 112
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhm.2022.103419
  • MANTHIOU, A., V. G. KUPPELWIESER, P. KLAUS, "Reevaluating Tourism Experience Measurements: An Alternative Bayesian Approach", Current Issues in Tourism, Septembre 2023, vol. 26, no. 18, pp. 2948–2964
    DOI : 10.1080/13683500.2022.2106193
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P. “. KLAUS, "Editorial : A glimpse of the future retail customer experience – Guidelines for research and practice", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Juillet 2023, vol. 73, no. 103205
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2022.103205
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., N. SPIELMANN, D. VEGA, "Humanitarian Crisis: The (Un)Certainty of Servicescapes and their Impact on Frontline Actors", Journal of Service Research, Août 2023, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 371–388
    DOI : 10.1177/10946705231159715
  • KLAUS, P., V. G. KUPPELWIESER, K. HEINONEN, "Quantifying the influence of customer experience on consumer share-of-category", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Juillet 2023, vol. 73, no. 103375
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2023.103375
  • ROSENBAUM, M. S., V. G. KUPPELWIESER, G. CONTRERAS RAMIREZ, A. MANTHIOU, "People and place attachment: Exploring compliance in neighborhood health centers", Health Marketing Quarterly, Décembre 2022, pp. 1-21
    DOI : 10.1080/07359683.2022.2161334
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P. KLAUS, A. MANTHIOU, L. D. HOLLEBEEK, "The Role of Customer Experience in the Perceived Value-Word-of-Mouth Relationship", Journal of Services Marketing, Mai 2022, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 364–378
    DOI : 10.1108/JSM-11-2020-0447
  • FINSTERWALDER, J., V. G. KUPPELWIESER, R. FISK, "Dynamics of Individual Actors’ Self, Social, and Task Pre-Dispositions in Multi-Actor Service Ecosystems", Journal of Business Research, Avril 2022, vol. 147, pp. 518-531
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.04.023
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., "People and Place Attachment: Exploring Compliance in Neighborhood Health Centers" à paraître Health Marketing Quarterly
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P. KLAUS, "Editorial: age is a construct, not a characteristic", Journal of Services Marketing, Mars 2021, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 1-6
    DOI : 10.1108/JSM-11-2020-0440
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P. KLAUS, "Measuring customer experience quality: The EXQ scale revisited", Journal of Business Research, Mars 2021, vol. 126, pp. 624-633
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.01.042
  • MANTHIOU, A., P. KLAUS , V. G. KUPPELWIESER, W. REEVES, "Man vs Machine: Examining the Three Themes of Service Robotics in Tourism and Hospitality", Electronic Markets, Septembre 2021, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 511–527
    DOI : 10.1007/s12525-020-00434-3
  • LECOEUVRE, L., R. TURNER, V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "Customer experience in the B2B area: the impact of age-related impressions", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Janvier 2021, vol. 58, pp. 1-7
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102216
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P. KLAUS, "Revisiting the Age Construct: Implications for Service Research", Journal of Service Research, Novembre 2021, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 372-389
    DOI : 10.1177/1094670520975138
  • KLAUS, P. (., V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "Editorial :Guiding directions and propositions: Placing dynamics at the heart of customer experience (CX) research", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Mars 2021, vol. 58, pp. 102429
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102429
  • BERLAK, J., S.HAFNER, V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Digitalization’s impacts on productivity: a modelbased approach and evaluation in Germany’s building construction industry", Production Planning and Control, Mars 2021, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 335-345
    DOI : 10.1080/09537287.2020.1740815
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P. KLAUS, "Customer Experience quality in African B2B contexts", Journal of Services Marketing, Novembre 2021, vol. 35, no. 7
    DOI : 10.1108/JSM-07-2020-0321
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., F. BEN ABDELAZIZ, O. MEDDEB, "Unstable interactions in customers’ decision making: an experimental proof", Annals of Operations Research, Novembre 2020, vol. 294, pp. 479–499
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-018-2944-6
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P.KLAUS, "Editorial: a primer for inclusive service marketing theory", Journal of Services Marketing, Novembre 2020, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 749–756
    DOI : 10.1108/JSM-04-2020-0128
  • FINSTERWALDER, J., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Equilibrating Resources and Challenges During Crises: A Framework for Service Ecosystem Wellbeing", Journal of Service Management, Novembre 2020, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 1107-1129
    DOI : 10.1108/JOSM-06-2020-0201
  • FINSTERWALDER, J., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Intentionality and transformative services: Wellbeing co-creation and spillover effects", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Janvier 2020, vol. 52, pp. 1-10
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.101922
  • HOLLEBEEK, L. D., D. E.SPROTT, T. W.ANDREASSEN, C.COSTLEY, P.KLAUS, V. G.KUPPELWIESER, A.KARAHASANOVIC, T.TAGUCHI, J.UL ISLAM, R. A.RATHER, "Customer Engagement in Evolving Technological Environments: Synopsis and Guiding Propositions", European Journal of Marketing, Septembre 2019, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 2018-2023
    DOI : 10.1108/EJM-09-2019-970/full/html
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P. KLAUS, A. MANTHIOU, O. BOUJENA, "Consumer Responses to Planned Obsolescence", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Mars 2019, vol. 47, pp. 157-165
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2018.11.014
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., A.-C.PUTINAS, M.BASTOUNIS, "Toward Application and Testing of Measurement Scales and an Example", Sociological Methods & Research, Mai 2019, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 326-349
    DOI : 10.1177/0049124117701486
  • BOZIC, B., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Customer trust recovery: an alternative explanation", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Avril 2019, vol. 49, pp. 208-218
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P. KLAUS, Y. BARUCH, A. MANTHIOU, "The missing link? Fairness as the ultimate determinant of service profitability. (Eng)/ Le chaînon manquant – l’équité comme déterminant ultime de la rentabilité des services ?! (Fr)", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Janvier 2018, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 46-74
    DOI : 10.1177/2051570717745833
  • TUZOVIC, S., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Developing a framework of service convenience in health care: An exploratory study for a primary care provider", Health Marketing Quarterly, Mai 2016, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 127-148
    DOI : 10.1080/07359683.2016.1166840
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., M.TOUZANI, "Attraction During the Service Encounter: Examining the Other Side of the Coin", Journal of Services Marketing, Avril 2016, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 504-518
    DOI : 10.1108/JSM-06-2015-0211
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "Transformative Service Research and Service-Dominant Logic: Quo Vaditis?", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Janvier 2016, vol. 28, pp. 91-98
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2015.08.011
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., D.PEDERZOLI, "Retail companies’ internationalization behaviour and the 2008 crisis", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Septembre 2015, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 870-894
    DOI : 10.1108/IJRDM-07-2014-0109
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.SARSTEDT , "Exploring the Influence of Customers’ Time Horizon Perspectives on the Satisfaction-Loyalty Link", Journal of Business Research, Décembre 2014, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 2620–2627
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2014.03.021
  • WIRTZ, J., S.TUZOVIC, V.KUPPELWIESER, "The Role of Marketing in Todays' Entreprises", Journal of Service Management, Mars 2014, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 171-194
    DOI : 10.1108/JOSM-01-2014-0037
  • TUZOVIC, S., M.SIMPSON, V.KUPPELWIESER, J.FINSTERWALDER, "From ‘Free’ to Fee: Acceptability of Airline Ancillary Fees and the Effects on Customer Behavior", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Mars 2014, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 98–107
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2013.09.007i
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.SARSTEDT, "Applying the future time perspective scale to advertising research", International Journal of Advertising, Mars 2014, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 113-136
    DOI : 10.2501/IJA-33-1-113-136
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.SARSTEDT, S.TUZOVIC, "The Role of Context and Motivation Variables in Mobile Commerce Usage - A Further Perspective on Chong", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Octobre 2014, vol. 88, no. 8, pp. 156-161
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2014.06.024
  • HAIR, J. F., M.SARSTEDT, L.HOPKINS, V.KUPPELWIESER, "Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM): An Emerging Tool in Business Research", European Business Review, Février 2014, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 106-121
    DOI : 10.1108/EBR-10-2013-0128
  • TUZOVIC, S., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Enhancing the Marketing Learning Experience with Educational Blogging and Analytics: Course Design and Pedagogical Effectiveness", Journal of Innovative Education Strategies, Janvier 2014
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.SIMPSON, G.CHIUMMO, "1+1 Does not Always Equal Value Creation: The Case of You Tube", Marketing Letters, Septembre 2013, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 311-321
    DOI : 10.1007/s11002-013-9246-1
  • FINSTERWALDER, J., V.KUPPELWIESER, M.DE VILLERS, "The Effects of Film Trailers on Shaping Service Consumer Expectations in the Entertainment Industry – A Qualitative Analysis", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Novembre 2012, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 589-595
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2012.07.004
  • PARZEFALL, M., V.KUPPELWIESER, "Understanding the antecedents, the outcomes and the mediating role of social capital : An employee perspective", Human Relations, Avril 2012, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 447-472
    DOI : 10.1177/0018726711431853
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., G.CHIUMMO, R. S.GREFRATH, "A Replication and Extension of Hennig-Thurau’s Concept of COSE", Journal of Customer Behavior, Mars 2012, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 241-259
    DOI : 10.1362/147539212X13469450373074
  • FINSTERWALDER, J., V.KUPPELWIESER, "Co-creation by engaging beyond oneself: the influence of task contribution on perceived customer-to-customer social interaction during a group service encounter", Journal of Strategic Marketing, Novembre 2011, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 607-618
    DOI : 10.1080/0965254X.2011.599494
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., R.GREFRATH, A.DZIUK, "A Classification of Brand Pride Using Trust and Commitment", International Journal of Business and Social Science, Janvier 2011, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 36-45
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "Psychological Safety, contributions and service satisfaction of customers in group service experiences", Managing Service Quality, Novembre 2011, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 617-635
    DOI : 10.1108/09604521111185619
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., "Stewardship Behavior and Creativity", Management revue -The International Review of Management Studies, Mars 2011, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 274-295
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., M.FISCHER, H.FOCK, "Kleinvieh macht Mist: Bewertung eines Mittelständlers nach DCF", Finance, Janvier 2006, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 70-71

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.SIMPSON, C., "Value Creation in Online Services" dans Service Value: Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement., M. BRUHN et K. HADWICH Ed., Springer, pp. 457-465, 2014
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-658-02140-5_20
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "Challenges in Fieldwork Researching Group Service Experiences at a Whitewater Rafting Provider in New Zealand" dans Fieldwork in Tourism - Methods, Issues and Reflections., M. Hall Ed., Routledge, pp. 240-248, 2011
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-8349-6664-3_18
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "Productivity in Customer Groups" dans IDienstleistungsproduktivität: Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement., M. Bruhn, K. Hadwich & D. Georgi Eds, pp. 415-432, 2011
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.KNOPREL, "Ergeben Serviceorientierung und Brand Behavior ein Branded Service Behavior? – Der Versuch einer Zusammenführung" dans Serviceorientierung im Unternehmen: Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement., M. Bruhn & B. Stauss Ed., Gabler Wiesbaden, pp. 356-371, 2010
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., "Transformationale Führung von Vertriebsmitarbeitern im Solution Selling" dans Marketing von Solutions., D. Woisetschläger, M. Michaelis, H. Evanschitzky, A. Eiting & C. Backhaus Eds, Wesbaden, pp. 133-146, 2010
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-8349-6302-4_6
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.GOUTHIER, "Innovativität bei Dienstleistern durch transformationale Führung: Zusammenhänge und theoretische Entwicklung" dans Perspektiven des Innovationsmanagements 2009., R. Gleich & P. Russo Ed., LIT, pp. 157-171, 2010
  • DOPPELBERGER, T., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Spin-off – Ein Karrieresprungbrett für Wissenschaftler" dans Handbuch Wissenschaft kommunizieren., A. Archut et al. Ed., Raabe, 2008


  • KUPPELWIESER, V., Beziehungsmaßnahmen als Zusatzdienstleistung: Eine empirische Betrachtung des Kundennutzens, Tectum, 2006

Academic conferences

  • KLAUS, P., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Linking Experiential Value and Consumer Behavior – An Empirical Examination in Three Service Contexts" dans 16th International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice (QUIS 16), 2019, Karlstad, Suède
  • KLAUS, P., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "The Impact of CX on Customers’ Perceived Value and Their Behavior" dans 26th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference, 2019, Tallinn, Estonie
  • KLAUS, P., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Robots are everywhere!" dans 26th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference, 2019, Tallin, Estonie
  • VU, H. L., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "A Synthesis of Nine Years of Transformative Service Research (TSR)" dans Frontiers in Services, 2019, Singapour
  • VU, H. L., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Visitors’ perceptions on the influences of digital innovation at tourism sites on community well-being" dans 10th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-10), 2019, Dubai, Émirats Arabes Unis
  • VU, H. L., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "A synthesis of nine years of transformative service research (TSR)" dans 16th International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice (QUIS 16), 2019, Karlstad, Suède
  • BIANCHI, C., S.TUZOVIC, V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Investigating the Drivers of Wearable Technology Adoption in Chile" dans BALAS Annual Conference, 2018, California, États-Unis
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., B.BOZIC, "Money recovers trust - does it?" dans International Research Symposium in Service Management, 2018, Ljubljana, Slovénie
  • PUTINAS, A.-C., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, C.ROLAND-LÉVY, "Investigation of discrete vicarious social emotions - Antecedents and outcomes of vicarious embarrassment and its relevance in consumption settings" dans International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2018), Canadian Psychological Association's 79th Annual General Meeting, 2018, Montreal, Canada
  • PUTINAS, A.-C., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Understanding the emotional influences of fellow customers - vicarious experiences during service delivery" dans Conference of the European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS), 2017, Vancouver, Canada
  • BEN ABDELAZIZ, F., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, O.MEDDEB, "Unstable interactions in customers’ decision making: A marketing application" dans The International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP), 2017, Metz, France
  • MANTHIOU, A., K.AYADI, V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "The social media scape: An integrative framework and measurement scale" dans 2016 Global Marketing Conference, 2016, Conrad Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • TUZOVIC, S., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, A.GIERKE, "m-Health Fitness and Wellness Wearables: Investigating how consumers embrace new ways to monitor and manage their health" dans AMA SERVSIG International Research Conference, 2016, Maastricht, Pays-Bas
  • MANTHIOU, A., K.AYADI, V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "The social media scape: An integrative framework and measurement scale", Global Marketing Conference, 2016, Hong Kong
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., O.BOUJENA, "You have the new iPhone?! Customers Perceptions of Planned Obsolescence" dans 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), Kingston University, 2015, London, Royaume-Uni
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., J.FINSTERWALDER, R.FISK, S.TUZOVIC, "Measuring the three “layers” of a service customer in joint co-creation experiences" dans 23nd Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, 2014, Miami, États-Unis
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., D.PEDERZOLI, "Retailers’ Internationalization Before and After the Subprime Crisis: Trends and Patterns" dans Conference of the European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS), 2014, Bucharest, Roumanie
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., J.BETH, S.TUZOVIC, "The Power of Memories: The Influence of Childhood Memories on Brand Attachment" dans 4th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference, 2013, Singapore, Singapour
  • DIEHL, M.-R., D.PATIENT, V.KUPPELWIESER, "Bearers of bad news: The manager's perspective on direct involvement in layoffs" dans Academy of Management Conference, 2013, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), États-Unis
  • BOUTRY-ROBINOT, E., N.PEYPOCH, V.KUPPELWIESER, "Do Green Actions Really Satisfy My Customers? Evaluating the Impact of Environmental Strategies on Satisfaction Hotel Performance: An International Study" dans TTRA European Chapter Conference "New Directions: Travel and Tourism in the Crossroads", 2013, Dublin, Irlande
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., S.TUZOVIC, M.SIMPSON, J.FINSTERWLADER, "Feeling ‘Nickel and Dimed’? Consumer Appraisals of Ancillary Fees – Understanding Antecedents of Consumers’ Perceptions and Affective Responses" dans QUIS 13, The 13th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 2013
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., S.TUZOVIC, J.WIRTZ, A.SCAVARDA, "Understanding the Role of Marketing in today’s Enterprises: A Cross-cultural, Multi-industry Comparison" dans 22nd Annual Frontiers in Service Conference 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013
  • FINSTERWALDER, J., V.KUPPELWIESER, S.TUZOVIC, "Service co-creation to recover from a major disaster" dans AMA ServSIG International Service Research Conference, 2012, Finlande
  • C., T., M.SIMPSON, V.KUPPELWIESER, S.S., "Measurement of service convenience in health care" dans AMA ServSIG International Service Research Conference, 2012, Finlande
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., "Future Time Perspective and the Satisfaction-Loyalty Link" dans AMA ServSIG International Service Research Conference., 2012, Finlande
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., R.GREFRATH, G.CHIUMMO, "Creating Service Innovation Through Customer Integration Competence" dans AMA ServSIG International Service Research Conference, 2012, Finlande
  • BELLM, T., D.RADIC, V.KUPPELWIESER, "Socially Desirable Responding in Service Research" dans The 12th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management,, 2011, New York, États-Unis
  • SIMPSON, M., S.TUZOVIC, V.KUPPELWIESER, J.FINSTERWALDER, "At the Mercy of Airlines: Investigating the Experience and Behavioral Implications of Anger and Dissatisfaction of Ancillary Airline Fees" dans 20th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference 2011, 2011, Ohio, États-Unis
  • SIMPSON, M., S.TUZOVIC, V.KUPPELWIESER, F.S., "When does price partitioning lead to complaining and negative word of mouth? A comparison of airline fees for core flight services versus entertainment services" dans Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 2011, Australie
  • SIMPSON, M., S.TUZOVIC, V.KUPPELWIESER, J.FINSTERWALDER, "Unbundling in the airline industry: An empirical study of airline fees and their consequences on customer behavior" dans The 12th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 2011, New York, États-Unis
  • SIMPSON, M., S.TUZOVIC, V.KUPPELWIESER, J.FINSTERWALDER, "Price partitioning and people-processing services: Does service unbundling lead to retaliatory customer behavior? – An empirical investigation in the airline industry." dans ISES Global Conference of Service Excellence, 2011, Singapour
  • PARZEFALL, M.-R., V.KUPPELWIESER, "Increasing understanding of the antecedents and outcomes of social capital - an employee perspective" dans Academy of Management Conference 2010, 2010, Montreal, Canada
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, S.TUZOVIC, "The Influence of Individual and Team Member Contributions on Service Quality within a Customer Group" dans AMA ServSIG International Service Research Conference 2010, 2010, Porto, Portugal
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, M.KENNING, K.VOGUES, "A Model of Customer and Employee Empowerment in Solution Selling: Some Research Directions" dans 13th International Business Research Conference, 2010, Melbourne, Australie
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "Investigating Informal Leaders as Influencers of Service Satisfaction in a Group of Customers" dans 19th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, 2010, Karlstad, Suède
  • FINSTERWALDER, J., V.KUPPELWIESER, "The Quality Construct for Multiple Customers – Evidence from Group Service Research" dans German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing, 2010, Wien, Autriche
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "Does an Informal Leader in a Group of Customers Influence Service Satisfaction?" dans AMA ServSIG International Service Research Conference 2010, 2010, Porto, Portugal
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., "The Effect of Managers' Stewardship Behaviour on Employees' Creativity in Services" dans vhb-Pfingsttagung, 2010, Bremen, Allemagne
  • SIMPSON, M., S.TUZOVIC, V.KUPPELWIESER, J.FINSTERWALDER, "It's about Me, You, You and You...: Social and Task-oriented Customer Engagement in a Group Service Encounter" dans Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 2010, Christchurch, Nouvelle-Zélande
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "Understanding Service Customer Groups: Examining the Influence of Different Roles in a Group on Service Satisfaction" dans German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing, 2010, Wien, Autriche
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., J.FINSTERWALDER, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction? - How Different Roles in Customer Groups Influence Satisfaction with the Service" dans Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 2010, Nouvelle-Zélande
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction? - How Different Roles in Customer Groups Influence Satisfaction with the Service" dans Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 2010, Nouvelle-Zélande
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.GOUTHIER, R.PIDZIK, "Customer Empowerment and its Effect on Customer Satisfaction" dans QUIS 11 The Service Conference, 2009, Allemagne
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.GOUTHIER, B.BIENZEISLER, C.WINTER, "Empowering Service Customers: Are They More Satisfied?" dans 18th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, 2009, États-Unis
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.GOUTHIER, B.BIENZEISLER, C.WINTER, "Transformational Leadership and Service Innovation." dans In W. Ganz, F. Kicherer & A. Schletz (Eds) - European Association for Research on Services (RESER) 2008, 2008, Allemagne
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.GOUTHIER, B.BIENZEISLER, C.WINTER, "Effect of Transformational Leadership on Company Success through Customer and Employee Innovativeness in Services" dans European Association for Research on Services (RESER), 2008, Allemagne

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., R.TSIOTSOU, M.ROSENBAUM, "Buy me, rent me. People as Products in Prostitution and Rental Services" dans 27th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference, 2021, Baveno, Italie
  • KLAUS, P., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Examining the ordinary experience – purchase behavior chain" dans 27th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference, 2021, Baveno, Italie
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P.KLAUS, "Age differs, depending on how you look at it" dans 27th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference, 2021, Baveno, Italie
  • KLAUS, P., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, R.TSIOTSOU, "Exploring the nature of the B2B customer experience (CX): A cross-country approach" dans American Marketing Association Global Marketing SIG Conference in Taormina, 2021, Sicily, Italie
  • SPIELMANN, N., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "To Retail or Not to Retail: Examining the Relationship between Producer-Retailer Proximity and Price Policies" dans 2nd International Research E-Workshop on Wine Tourism, 2020, Online, France co-auteurs présentés
  • AHMAD HUSAIRI, M., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "The managerial research implications in marketing: Reality check and future direction" Meet the Editor’ series - Neoma Business School. 2018, Rouen, France
  • TUZOVIC, S., G.BEIRARO, V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "The Diffusion of Wearable Health Technology: Investigating Adoption Drivers of Fitness Trackers Across Lead versus Lag Markets" dans Frontiers in Services, 2018, Austin, États-Unis
  • KLAUS, P., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Quantifying the Influence of Every-Day Experiences on Consumers’ Buying Behavior" dans 9th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-9), 2018, Ljubljana, Slovénie
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., B.BOZIC, "Money recovers trust – does it?" dans 9th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-9), 2018, Ljubljana, Slovénie
  • VU, H. L., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "The interrelations between transformative service research, service-dominant logic and customer-dominant logic" dans 9th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-9), 2018, Ljubljana, Slovénie
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P.KLAUS , "Ageing Customers and their experiences" dans 15th La Londe International Conference, 2018, La Londe-les-Maures, France
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., B.BOZIC, "Service recovery and customer trust repair: an integrative approach" dans 15th International Research Conference in Service Management, 2018, La Londe les Maures, France
  • KLAUS, P., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Less Than Ordinary – Quantifying the Influence of Every-Day Experiences On Consumers’ Buying Behavior" dans AMA SERVSIG International Research Conference, 2018, Paris, France
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., B.BOZIC, "Service Recovery vs. Trust Recovery" dans The La Londe Conference, 2018, La Londe les Maures, France
  • PUTINAS, A.-C., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Investigation of vicarious embarrassment in customer-to-customer relationships" dans QUIS 15 - The 15th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 2017, Porto, Portugal
  • TUZOVIC, S., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, C.BIANCHI, "The Quantified Self Movement: Comparing Perceptions and Adoption of Fitness Trackers between U.S. and Latin American Consumers" dans Frontiers in Services Conference, 2017, New York, États-Unis
  • TUZOVIC, S., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, C.BIANCHI, "Understanding Consumer Adoption of Smart Health Wearables: An Empirical Analysis in Chile and the U.S" dans QUIS 15 - The 15th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 2017, Porto, Portugal
  • BEN ABDELAZIZ, F., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Towards the Use of Chronological Age in Research – A Cautionary Note" dans 83rd meeting of the European working group on multicriteria decision aiding (EWG-MCDA), Novembre, 2016, Barcelona, Espagne
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2016.05.016
  • BEN ABDELAZIZ, F., V. G.KUPPELWIESER, "Towards the Identification of Important and Non-correlational Criteria – a Multiobjective Approach" dans 83rd meeting of the European working group on multicriteria decision aiding (EWG-MCDA), 2016, Barcelona, Espagne
  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., J.FINSTERWALDER, R.FISK, "Four studies on interaction behavior in group service encounters" dans Frontiers in Service 2016, 2016, Bergen, Norvège
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "Marketing for the social good - Reflecting on Transformative Service Research in the Light of Service-Dominant Logic" dans 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI 2015), 2015, London, Royaume-Uni
  • TUZOVIC, S., V.KUPPELWIESER, A.GIERKE, "The Rise of Self-Tracking: Investigating the Adoption of Fitness Trackers and the Relationship on Preventive Health Care" dans Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 2015, Sydney, Australie
  • BEN ABDELAZIZ, F., V.KUPPELWIESER, O.MEDEB, "Unstable interactions in customers’ decision making" dans 82nd meeting of the European working group on multicriteria decision aiding (EWG-MCDA), 2015, Odense, Suède
  • TRINCHERA, L., G.RUSSOLILLO, V.KUPPELWIESER, "Categorical Data in PLS Path Modeling: A Marketing Study" dans Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods (CARME), 2015, Naples, Italie
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., P.KLAUS, Y.BARUCH, A.MANTHIOU, "The missing link? Fairness as the ultimate determinant of service profitability" dans QUIS 14 - The 14th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 2015, Shanghai, Chine
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "Quo vadis Transformative Service Research?" dans QUIS 14 - The 14th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 2015, Shanghai, Chine
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.TOUZANI, S.TUZOVIC, M.SIMPSON, J.FINSTERWALDER, "What Goes Around, Comes Around: The Effect of Employee’s Flirtation on Customer’s Encounter Satisfaction" dans AMA ServSIG International Service Research Conference, 2014, Thessaloniki, Grèce
  • FINSTERWALDER, J., V.KUPPELWIESER, R.FISK, S.TUZOVIC, "Measuring the Self, the Social and the Task Oriented Side of Service Customers in Joint Co-creation Experiences" dans 17th AMS World Marketing Congress, 2014, Lima, Pérou
  • TUZOVIC, S., J.WIRTZ, V.KUPPELWIESER, "Is the Role of Marketing Diminishing? Results From Three Geographical Regions: Asian, Europe and USA" dans 42nd European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (EMAC), 2013, Istanbul, Turquie
  • TUZOVIC, S., M.SIMPSON, V.KUPPELWIESER, H.SONGER, "Measurement of service convenience in health care" dans AMA ServSIG International Service Research Conference, 2012, Helsinki, Finlande
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., J.FINSTERWALDER, "The Influence of Informal Leaders on Service Satisfaction in a Group of Customers" dans Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung, 2010, Rostock, Allemagne
  • FINSTERWALDER, J., V.KUPPELWIESER, S.TUZOVIC, "Empirical Evidence of Service Quality in Group Encounters" dans International Research Symposium in Service Management – Service Imperatives in the New Economy, 2010, Maurice
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., "The Effect of Stewardship Behaviour on Service Creativity" dans Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung, 2010, Rostock, Allemagne
  • KUPPELWIESER, V., M.GOUTHIER, "Transformational Leadership als Treiber von Dienstleistungsinnovationen" dans 1.Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung, 2008, Allemagne

Revues professionnelles

  • KUPPELWIESER, V. G., "Blended Learning in Service Marketing: Are We Lacking Behind?,", AMA SERVSIG, Mai 2019