LE Patrick
Doctorat, Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion
Hommes & Organisations
Doctorat, Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion
Patrick est Professeur Associé en Management à NEOMA Business School. Il a obtenu son doctorat de HEC Paris. Avant de rejoindre le monde académique, Patrick était consultant dans le conseil en management. Il enseigne le management, la négociation et la gestion des conflits, le leadership, les ressources humaines et le comportement organisationnel. La recherche de Patrick s’oriente autour de la théorie des organisations, avec un focus sur la théorie des paradoxes, les logiques institutionnelles, et l’identité. Ses travaux ont été publiés dans Organization Studies et Journal of Management Inquiry. Il participe aussi régulièrement à des conférences internationales telles que Academy Of Management et EGOS.
Domaines de spécialisation
- Théorie des paradoxes
- Identité
- Logiques institutionnelles
- Complexité
Récentes contributions académiques
TUNAROSA, A., P. LE, C. PRADIES, "Running on coffee: Paradox persistence in the US coffee industry, 1910–2020", Business History, Février 2024
DOI : 10.1080/00076791.2024.2310513 -
LE, P., C. PRADIES, "Sailing through the storm: Improvising paradox navigation during a pandemic", Management Learning, Février 2023, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 56-76
DOI : 10.1177/13505076221096570 -
LE, P., M. LANDER, "Enjoying the betwixt and between: Liminoid identity construction on Twitter", Organization Studies, Septembre 2023, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 1519–1540
DOI : 10.1177/01708406231166808
TUNAROSA, A., P. LE, C. PRADIES, "Running on coffee: Paradox persistence in the US coffee industry, 1910–2020", Business History, Février 2024
DOI : 10.1080/00076791.2024.2310513 -
LE, P., M. LANDER, "Enjoying the betwixt and between: Liminoid identity construction on Twitter", Organization Studies, Septembre 2023, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 1519–1540
DOI : 10.1177/01708406231166808 -
LE, P., C. PRADIES, "Sailing through the storm: Improvising paradox navigation during a pandemic", Management Learning, Février 2023, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 56-76
DOI : 10.1177/13505076221096570 -
SHARMA, G., J. BARTUNEK, P. BUZZANELL, S. CARMINE, C. ENDRES, M. ETTER, G. FAIRHURST, T. HAHN, X. LI, P. LE, C. PRADIES, V. PAMPHILE, L. PUTNAM, K. ROCHEVILLE, J. SCHAD, M. SHEEP, J. KELLER, "A Paradox Approach to Societal Tensions during the Pandemic Crisis", Journal of Management Inquiry, Avril 2021, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 121-137
DOI : 10.1177/1056492620986604 -
VINCENT-PONROY, J., P.LE, C.PRADIES, "In a Family Way? A model of family firm identity maintenance by non-family members", Organization Studies, Juin 2019, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 859-886
DOI : 10.1177/0170840619836707 -
PARIS, T., P.LE, "Industries de création et territoires, une relation spécifique ?", Réseaux, Septembre 2016, vol. 196, no. 2, pp. 49-80
TUNCALP, D., P.LE, "(Re)Locating boundaries: a systematic review of online ethnography", Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Janvier 2014, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 59–79
DOI : time, -
LE, P., D.MASSE, T.PARIS, "Technological change in the heart of the creative process: insights from the video games industry", International Journal of Arts Management, Février 2013, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 45-59
Academic conferences
- LE, P., "Understanding a Crisis Communal Theorizing (Facilitator in PDW)" dans Annual Meeting of the Academy Of Management 2021, 2021, Online, États-Unis
- LE, P., C. PRADIES, "C’est la vie! President Macron’s Improvising paradoxical responses during the pandemic." dans EGOS Conference, 2021
- LE, P., C. PRADIES, V. POUTHIER, "From Paradox Pioneers to Paradox Custodians: A professional organization discursively embracing the paradoxical nature of logics in its field marked by restrained complexity." dans EGOS Conference (PDW on Paradox Theory for inclusive research in disruptive times), 2021
- LE, P., C. PRADIES, V. POUTHIER, "Surfing between currents: being first to navigate paradoxical demands while in a field that views one side of the paradox as morally dubious" dans Paradox & Plurality Annual Meeting 2021, 2021
- PRADIES, C., P.LE, V.POUTHIER, "Swimming against the tide: navigating unequal paradoxical demands when one pole is tainted in the field through ambivalent incorporation" dans EGOS, 2020
- LE, P., J.VINCENT-PONROY, C.PRADIES, "Advancing Family Business research through Organizational identity and Sensemaking: A multi-level model of family firm organizational identity construction by non-family members" dans EURAM, 2018
- VINCENT-PONROY, J., P.LE, C.PRADIES, "Stability and change across generations: How non family members construct a family firm organizational identity" dans 34th Colloquium 2018, EGOS, 2018, Tallinn, Estonie
- LE, P., K.DE VALCK, "No fame, no blame? Meaning of a contested practice in the field of journalism." dans EGOS Conference, 2014, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
- LE, P., K.DE VALCK, "Between fame and blame: the contested meaning of personal branding in the field of journalism." dans AOM Conference, 2014, Philadelphia, États-Unis
- LE, P., M.LANDER, "Does Clark Kent tweet? Identity work and agency in institutional maintenance" dans AOM Conference, 2013, Orlando, États-Unis
- TUNCALP, D., P.LE, "Questioning the Practice of Online Organizational Ethnography: A Systematic Review." dans AOM Conference, 2013, Orlando, États-Unis
- LE, P., M.LANDER, "The impact of boundary crossing on professional norms" dans EGOS Conference, 2013, Montréal, Canada
- TUNCALP, D., P.LE, "Bridging online ethnographic practices: a review around virtual challenges" dans EGOS Conference, 2013, Montréal, Canada
- LE, P., "Tales of virtual worlds: online ethnography and practice theory" dans EGOS Conference, 2012, Helsinki, Finlande
- LE, P., "Online ethnography of innovation communities" dans EURAM Conference, 2012, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
- LE, P., D.MASSE, T.PARIS, S.BERTHET, "The interaction of technology and creativity in artistic creation: insights from the video game industry" dans International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC), 2011, Antwerp, Belgique