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PhD, Psychologie du travail et de l'organisation

Dr Anita Starzyk est professeur assistante en Comportement Organisationnel à NEOMA Business School et enseigne le Leadership et le Développement Organisationnel dans les programmes PGE et GBBA.  Elle est titulaire d'un doctorat en Psychologie du Travail de l'université de Mannheim et a travaillé comme assistante de recherche à l'université de Mannheim et de Konstanz en Allemagne. Elle a également été chercheuse invitée dans le cadre du programme Lim Kim San Fellowship in Leadership de la Singapore Management University. Dr Starzyk utilise des entretiens qualitatifs ainsi que des enquêtes quotidiennes et longitudinales pour étudier la voix et la proactivité des employés et des managers orientés vers le changement dans les organisations afin de contribuer à des lieux de travail et des sociétés plus sains, plus inclusifs et plus durables. Elle a publié des articles dans le Journal of Organizational Behavior, le Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology et le Journal of Vocational Behavior. Elle a également reçu plusieurs subventions de recherche de la part d'universités allemandes et d'acteurs régionaux.

Domaines de spécialisation

  • Voix des employés
  • Proactivité
  • Emotions et bien-être
  • Changement organisationnel
  • Inclusion & sustainability

Récentes contributions académiques

  • STARZYK, A., "To speak out again or not? A qualitative exploration of how employees make decisions after unheeded voice attempts." dans 21st Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology,, 2023, Katowice, Pologne
  • STARZYK, A., J. F. BAUER, "Disabled voices: How ableism prevents diverse employee voice in organizations." dans Symposium accepted for the 20th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology,, 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, Royaume-Uni
  • STARZYK, A., J. F. BAUER, "Disabled employee voices: How ableism and organizational caring affect employees with disabilities in organisations." dans Sub-theme: Inequality, Institutions, and Organizations .-38th EGOS Colloquium, 2022


  • STARZYK, A., S.SONNENTAG, "When do low-initiative employees feel responsible for change and speak up to managers?", Journal of Vocational Behavior, Décembre 2019, vol. 115, pp. 103342
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jvb.2019.103342
  • STARZYK, A., S.SONNENTAG, A.ALBRECHT, "The affective relevance of suggestion-focused and problem-focused voice: A diary study on voice in meetings", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Juin 2018, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 340-361
    DOI : 10.1111/joop.12199
  • SONNENTAG, S., A.STARZYK, "Perceived prosocial impact, perceived situational constraints, and proactive work behavior: Looking at two distinct affective pathways", Journal of Organizational Behavior, Août 2015, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 806-824
    DOI : 10.1002/job.2005

Academic conferences

  • STARZYK, A., "To speak out again or not? A qualitative exploration of how employees make decisions after unheeded voice attempts." dans 21st Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology,, 2023, Katowice, Pologne
  • STARZYK, A., J. F. BAUER, "Disabled employee voices: How ableism and organizational caring affect employees with disabilities in organisations." dans Sub-theme: Inequality, Institutions, and Organizations .-38th EGOS Colloquium, 2022
  • STARZYK, A., J. F. BAUER, "Disabled voices: How ableism prevents diverse employee voice in organizations." dans Symposium accepted for the 20th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology,, 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, Royaume-Uni
  • BINDL, U. K., A.STARZYK, "Dynamics of proactivity: Advancing insights into implications of self-initiated actions at work." dans Symposium presented at the virtual 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2020, États-Unis
  • YU, N.-Y., A.STARZYK, "The negative implications of intensified employee voice: Whom do managers ostracize less?" dans Symposium presented at the virtual 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management., 2020
  • UNGER, D., A.STARZYK, A.ALBRECHT, K.BÖTTCHER, "Being depleted, down, displaced-What links commute incivility and workplace conflict?" dans 35th Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2020
  • STARZYK, A., "Proactivity at work: Disclosing the role of employees’ emotions, affect regulation, and well-being before and after employees’ change initiatives" dans EAWOP Congress, 2019, Turin
  • STARZYK, A., M. R.BASHSHUR, R.BLEDOW, "Unfavorable managerial responses to employee voice: How employees react matters for their well-being" dans 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2019, Boston, États-Unis
  • STARZYK, A., M. R.BASHSHUR, R.BLEDOW, "Your voice is not needed (or heeded): How employees experience, appraise and manage unfavourable managerial responses to their voice and how they decide to voice again" dans 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2019, Turin, Italie
  • UNGER, D., A.ALBRECHT, K.BÖTTCHER, A.STARZYK, "Next stops: Argument road, disagreement square, and fight avenue. Commuters' negative social experiences as antecedent of workplace conflict and the role of self-control." dans 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, Italie, 2019
  • STARZYK, A., S.SONNENTAG, A.ALBRECHT, "Would anybody like to share something today? The role of daily job experiences for speaking up in a meeting" dans 4th Institute of Work Psychology International Conference, 2014, Sheffield
  • STARZYK, A., S.SONNENTAG, "Problemidentifikation und proaktive Handlungen in der Kfz-Werkstatt: Welche Rolle spielt die individuelle Motivation und die Motivation des gesamten Teams?" dans 49th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2014, Bielefeld, Allemagne
  • STARZYK, A., A.ALBRECHT, S.SONNENTAG, "The relationship between stressors and voice in meetings as a function of voice content: An experience-sampling study" dans 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2013, Muenster, Allemagne
  • SONNENTAG, S., A.STARZYK, "Perceived prosocial impact, affect, and proactive work behavior: A day-level study" dans 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2013, Orlando, États-Unis
  • STARZYK, A., S.SONNENTAG, "Day-specific voice: Examining within-and between-person variability in proactive motivation" dans 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2013, Orlando, États-Unis
  • SONNENTAG, S., A.STARZYK, "Going from problem identification to overt proactive behavior: The role of transformational leadership" dans 72th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2012, Boston, États-Unis
  • STARZYK, A., S.SONNENTAG, "Empowering leadership und voice: Eine Tagebuchstudie zum Ursache-Wirkungs-Zusammenhang" dans 48th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2012, Bielefeld,, Allemagne
  • WALTER, O. B., A.STARZYK, J.-T.KUHN, "Vergleich von papiergebundener, computerassistierter und computer-adaptiver Version eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung der Interpersonalen Kompetenz (ICQ)" dans 10th Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Koblenz-Landau, Germany, 2009

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • STARZYK, A., J. F. BAUER, "Disabled employee voices: How ableism and organizational caring affect employees with disabilities in organizations" The Area of Excellence The World We Want reserch seminar. 2022, Online, France

Revues professionnelles

  • STARZYK, A., "Why improving inclusivity for LGBT+ workers requires concrete action", People Management, Août 2022