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ZANETTE Maria Carolina

Doctorat, Business Administration et Marketing

Maria Carolina est Professeur Associée à NEOMA Business School dans le département Marketing. Maria Carolina Zanette a obtenu son doctorat à EAESP-FGV, Brésil. Ses domaines d'enseignement sont principalement liés à la technologie et ses effets au marketing, aux cultures de marché ainsi qu'aux études des réseaux sociaux. Ses recherches concernent les études du genre, l'intersection entre la technologie et la société, les communications en ligne, la résistance du consommateur et la théorie de la culture du consommation. Ses travaux ont été publiés dans différentes revues, comme Journal of Business Research, Sociology, et Consumption, Markets, & Culture. Elle est aussi directrice du Master of Science Digital Expertise for Marketing. 

Domaines de spécialisation

  • Genre
  • Réseaux sociaux
  • Théorie de la culture de la consommation
  • Résistance consommateur

Récentes contributions académiques

  • ZANETTE, M. C., D. RINALLO, L. MIMOUN, "Reclaiming the witch: Processes and heroic outcomes of consumer mythopoesis", Marketing Theory, Mars 2023, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 163-182
    DOI : 10.1177/14705931221124044
  • RINALLO, D., J. PIRES DE SANTANA, M. C. ZANETTE, S. APPAU, J. COFFIN, G. ECKHARDT, C. EICHERT, K. HUSEMANN, M. MOUFAHIM, V. RODNER, L. STEVENS, "Where spirituality and religion meet gender and sexuality: Towards a research agenda for intersectional marketing theory" à paraître Marketing Theory
  • SCHNEIDER DALLOLIO, A., M. C. ZANETTE, E. PEREIRA ZAMITH BRITO, "Unpacking the spillover effect of liminality: preteens’ mothers’ experience as emotionally connected participants", Journal of Marketing Management, Septembre 2023, pp. 1-27
    DOI : 10.1080/0267257X.2023.2251507


  • ZANETTE, M. C., D. RINALLO, L. MIMOUN, "Reclaiming the witch: Processes and heroic outcomes of consumer mythopoesis", Marketing Theory, Mars 2023, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 163-182
    DOI : 10.1177/14705931221124044
  • RINALLO, D., J. PIRES DE SANTANA, M. C. ZANETTE, S. APPAU, J. COFFIN, G. ECKHARDT, C. EICHERT, K. HUSEMANN, M. MOUFAHIM, V. RODNER, L. STEVENS, "Where spirituality and religion meet gender and sexuality: Towards a research agenda for intersectional marketing theory" à paraître Marketing Theory
  • SCHNEIDER DALLOLIO, A., M. C. ZANETTE, E. PEREIRA ZAMITH BRITO, "Unpacking the spillover effect of liminality: preteens’ mothers’ experience as emotionally connected participants", Journal of Marketing Management, Septembre 2023, pp. 1-27
    DOI : 10.1080/0267257X.2023.2251507
  • ZANETTE, M. C., J. PUESCHEL, M. TOUZANI, "Re-arranging dressing practices: The role of objects in spreading ugly luxury", Journal of Business Research, Juin 2022, vol. 145, pp. 784-800
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.02.087
  • ZANETTE, M. C., E. P. Z. BRITO, I. A. FONTENELLE, M. DE CAMARGO HECK, "Eating one’s own otherness: When producers commercialize their ethnicities", Journal of Business Research, Mai 2021, vol. 129, pp. 134-144
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.02.057
  • VIOTTO, M., M. C.ZANETTE, E.BRITO, "Looking good or feeling good? The dual role of the body in the taste transformation process", Consumption Markets & Culture, Janvier 2021, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 54-74
    DOI : 10.1080/10253866.2020.1726329
  • DASKALOPOULOU, A., M. C.ZANETTE, "Women’s Consumption of Pornography: Pleasure, Contestation, and Empowerment", Sociology, Octobre 2020, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 969-986
    DOI : 10.1177/0038038520918847
  • ZANETTE, M. C., D.SCARABOTO, "“To Spanx or not to Spanx”: How objects that carry contradictory institutional logics trigger identity conflict for consumers", Journal of Business Research, Décembre 2019, vol. 105, pp. 443-453
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.02.065
  • ZANETTE, M. C., D.SCARABOTO, "From the corset to Spanx: shapewear as a marketplace icon", Consumption Markets & Culture, Juin 2019, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 183-199
    DOI : 10.1080/10253866.2018.1497988
  • ZANETTE, M. C., E.PEREIRA ZAMITH BRITO, "Fashionable subjects and complicity resistance: power, subjectification, and bounded resistance in the context of plus-size consumers", Consumption Markets & Culture, Septembre 2019, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 363-382
    DOI : 10.1080/10253866.2018.1512241
  • ZANETTE, M. C., I. BLIKSTEIN, L. VISCONTI, "Intertextual virality and vernacular repertoires: Internet memes as objects connecting different online worlds.", RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas, Mai 2019, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 157-169
    DOI : 10.1590/s0034-759020180307
  • ZANETTE, M. C., C. E.LOURENÇO, E. P. Z.BRITO, "O peso do varejo, o peso no varejo e a identidade: uma análise de consumidoras plus size", Revista de Administração de Empresas, Décembre 2013, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 539-550
    DOI : 10.1590/S0034-75902013005000001
  • ZANETTE, M. C., E. P. Z.BRITO, M.COUTINHO, "New influentials: An exploratory study on blogs", Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, Juillet 2013, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 36-46
    DOI : 10.1057/dddmp.2013.45

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • RINALLO, D., L. MIMOUN, M. C. ZANETTE, "Streghe contemporanee e social media" dans Antropologia delle tenebre : magia, stregoneria e malefici., Francesco Bravin, Riccardo Massara, Cristina Resa e Marta Villa Eds, Associazione Antropolis - Associazione di Promozione Sociale, pp. 91-125, 2022
  • ZANETTE, M. C., M. H. VIOTTO, "Tecnologia e consumo: uma relacao paradoxal" dans Aspectos Culturais do Consumo., Karin Brondino-Pompeo, Isabela Carvalho de Morais, Carla Caires Abdalla Eds, Pimenta Cultural, pp. 93-108, 2022
  • VIOTTO, M. H., A. DALLOLIO, M. C. ZANETTE, "Regimes de gosto e distincao social" dans Aspectos Culturais do Consumo., Karin Brondino-Pompeo, Isabela Carvalho de Morais and Carla Caires Abdalla Eds, Pimenta Cultural, pp. 177-193, 2022
  • VIOTTO, M. H., M. C. ZANETTE, "O corpo na intersecçao: saude, moda e disciplina" dans Aspectos Culturais do Consumo., Karin Brondino-Pompeo, Isabela Carvalho de Morais and Carla Caires Abdalla Eds, Pimenta Cultural, pp. 224-244, 2022
  • SCARABOTO, D., M. C.ZANETTE, "Shapewear or nothing to wear, The ambiguity of shapewear in the plus- size fashion market" dans Women, Consumption, and Paradox., Timothy de Waal Malefyt, Maryann McCabe Eds, Routledge, pp. 55-77, 2020
  • ZANETTE, M. C., E. P. Z.BRITO, "Fashionable subjects and complicity resistance: power, subjectification, and bounded resistance in the context of plus-size consumers" dans Gender After Gender in Consumer Culture., Elisabeth Tissier-Desbordes, Luca M. Visconti Eds, Routledge, pp. 363-382, 2020


  • ZANETTE, M. C., Gestão de operações no Varejo – São Paulo, Editora Senac São Paulo, São Paulo, 2017
  • ZANETTE, M. C., Influência Digital: o papel dos novos influentes no consumo, Appris, Curitiba, 2015
  • ZANETTE, M. C., E. P. Z.BRITO, C. C.ABDALLA, M.FERREIRA, R.LIMONGI, B.ROSENTHAL, Corporate Branding in Facebook Fan Pages, Business Expert Press, New York, États-Unis, 2015

Academic conferences

  • ULRICH, I., J. PUESCHEL, M. C. ZANETTE, X. BURTIN, "Introducing Digital Luxury Wearables: Imaginaries and Practices" dans Global Marketing Conference, 2023
  • PUESCHEL, J., M. C. ZANETTE, L. B. XAVIER, I. ULRICH, "Introducing Digital Luxury Wearables: Imaginaries and Practices" dans Fifty Years of Consumer Research, 2023
  • PUESCHEL, J., M. C. ZANETTE, I. ULRICH, "Introducing Digital Luxury Wearables: imaginairies and practices" dans International Conference on Crypto-Marketing, 2022
  • ARSEL, Z., M. C. ZANETTE, "Influencers and the Shaping of Markets: Actors, Processes, and Sociotechnical Configurations" dans Association for Consumer research, vol. 49, no. 647-653, 2021, Online, États-Unis
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "The Impossible Profession of Being an Influencer" dans Association for Consumer Research, vol. 49, 2021, Seattle, États-Unis
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Online Witches: Narratives of Empowerment and Disempowerment at the Intersection of Gender and Sexuality" dans Interpretative Consumer Research Conference, 2019, Lyon
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Consumer reflexivity and the role of legitimacy frames in pornography consumption" dans Bringing Institutional Theory to Marketing Conference, 2019, Paris
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Shapewear or Nothing to Wear?: An Object-Centered Analysis of Intersecting Assemblages" dans 13th Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, 2016
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Illegitimate Identity, Illegitimate Markets: Ideological Contradictions and the Prevention of the Emergence of a Plus-Size Fashion Market" dans 13th Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, 2016, Paris, France
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Interacting to last: how small companies use online social media to build their corporate image" dans Academy of Marketing, 2014, Bournemouth.
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Distinção com pão e mortadela. A formação e a reprodução do capital cultural por meio da paródia da marca Dolly" dans Congresso Latino Americano de Varejo, 2014
  • ZANETTE, M. C., C. C.ABDALLA, E. P. Z.BRITO, "Distinção com pão e mortadela. A formação e a reprodução do capital cultural por meio da paródia da marca Dolly" dans Congresso Latino Americano de Varejo, 2014, São Paulo.
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Consumer and Companies on Facebook fan pages: an analysis of online communication strategies for small companies" dans Academy of Marketing Science Conference, 2013, Monterey, Canada
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "New Influentials: How Consumption Manifests on Blogs" dans Academy of Marketing Science, 2012, New Orleans
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Commercial interventions in blogs through new influentials" dans Academy of Marketing, 2012, Southampton, Royaume-Uni
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Identidade pelo varejo: Uma abordagem pós-moderna olhando a moda plus size" dans Congresso Latino Americano de Varejo, 2012, São Paulo
  • ZANETTE, M. C., C. E.LOURENÇO, E. P. Z.BRITO, "Identidade pelo varejo: Uma abordagem pósmoderna olhando a moda plus size" dans Congresso Latino Americano de Varejo, 2012, São Paulo
  • ZANETTE, M. C., E. P. Z.BRITO, "Commercial interventions in blogs through new influentials" dans Academy of Marketing, 2012, Southampton
  • ZANETTE, M. C., E. P. Z.BRITO, "New Influentials: How Consumption Manifests on Blogs" dans Academy of Marketing Science, 2012, New Orleans, États-Unis
  • ZANETTE, M. C., E. P. Z.BRITO, J.PARENTE, "Own Brand and Retailers Corporate Brand Personalities Alignment" dans Academy of Marketing Conference 2011: Marketing Fields Forever, 2011, Liverpool
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Own Brand and Retailers Corporate Brand Personalities Alignment" dans Academy of Marketing, 2011, Liverpool

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • ARSEL, Z., M. C. ZANETTE, "Sponsored Content and Institutional Work: How Epistemic Contests about Monetization Shape Markets" dans Global Digital Cultures, 2022, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
  • ZANETTE, M. C., "Online witches and consumer mythopoesis" Research Seminar. 2021, Portsmouth, Royaume-Uni
  • PUESCHEL, J., M. C.ZANETTE, M.TOUZANI, "Re-arranging dressing practices: the role of objects in spreading ugly luxury  " Marketing Research Seminar - Neoma Business School. 2021, On-line, France

Revues professionnelles

  • DASKALOPOULOU, A., M. C. ZANETTE, "Women who watch porn: Market-mediated gendered discourses and consumption of pornography", Advances in Consumer Research, Mai 2020, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 969-986