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Le Monde de NEOMA

Thématiques :

Conscient de l’importance croissante d’un flux continu de résultats de recherche, le département Hommes et Organisations de NEOMA a élaboré une série d’activités collectives visant à renforcer sa production de recherche.

L’objectif de nos séminaires est de proposer un format « atelier » plutôt que des présentations d’articles. Nous invitons régulièrement des intervenants externes à parler leurs projets de recherche. Ce faisant, nous espérons que ces journées soient l’occasion pour chaque professeur du département H&O de recevoir des commentaires et des conseils constructifs de la part des autres, de créer des liens et de susciter un dialogue continu sur des sujets d’intérêt commun.

Au cours des deux dernières années, nous avons constaté que nos séminaires avaient aidé les professeurs de notre département à publier des articles dans diverses revues, à être acceptés dans des conférences et à obtenir des fonds de recherche. De plus, ils ont facilité de nouvelles collaborations et fait avancer des projets de recherche en cours.

L’objectif : offrir un espace convivial de conseils et de commentaires sur les projets de recherche à différentes étapes (de la conception de l’idée au processus éditorial) en anglais et en français et en utilisant toutes sortes de méthodologies.

La logistique : les séminaires sont organisés une fois par mois et durent soit une demi-journée, soit une journée entière. Notre programme typique comprend une heure de Challenge et Conseils (où les professeurs discutent les challenges de recherche sur lesquels ils ont besoin de conseils) et 2 ou 3 présentations de projets de recherche pouvant inclure un conférencier externe.

Organisatrices : Nishani BOURMAULT (nishani.bourmault@neoma-bs.fr), Helena GONZÁLEZ GÓMEZ (helena.gonzalez@neoma-bs.fr) and Shiva TAGHAVI (shiva.taghavi@neoma-bs.fr).

2023-24 schedule

(updated regularly)

Friday September 22 from 10h-16h30

  • 10h-11h: Challenge & Advise
  • 11h-12h: Agata Mirowska, NEOMA BS – « The A(I) Team: The effects of realism and gender on willingness to work with a virtual teammate »
  • 12h-14h: Lunch
  • 14h-15h30: Lea Katharina Reiss, WU Vienna – “From mother to daughter: Embodied memories of gendered precarity”
  • 15h30-16h30: Serge Da Motta Veiga, NEOMA BS – “Changes in Perceived Age Discrimination Over Time: Patterns, Predictors, and Outcomes”

Friday November 10th, 10h to 16h30, Paris Campus (R509) or Zoom

  • 10h-11h: Challenge & Advise
  • 11h-12h: Elise YU, NEOMA BS, «  To integrate or to pass? A latent profile analysis of social class management strategies among junior professionals »
  • 12h-14h: Lunch 
  • 14h-15h: Ekaterina Netchaeva, HEC Paris, “At face value: Facial traits, social capital, and individual performance”
  • 15h-16h: Shiva Taghavi, NEOMA BS, Boundaries Are Blurred When I Work-From-Home: The Impact of Temporal Control and Identity Integration on Work-Family Balance and Job Engagement
  • 16h-17h: round table and discussions about research topics with our guest

Friday Dec 15th from 10h-16h30, Paris Campus (R509) or Zoom

  • 10h-10h30: Challenge & Advise
  • 10h30-11h15: Carine CHEMIN-BOUZIER, NEOMA BS“Authority through desire – the case of consulting”
  • 11h15-12h15: Sophie RAUCH, NEOMA BS Post-Doc“Non-work at work : the paradoxical dynamics of a commonplace but taboo behavior in the space-time of office work”
  • 12h15-14h15: LunchIf you are joining us for lunch in Paris (with the guest speaker as well), please let us know so we can organize the reservation accordingly.
  • 14h15-15h45: Hyemi SHIN, Royal Holloway, University of London Presentation + Round Table – “Securing the Meaningfulness of Work in CSR – Meaning-Making Mechanisms via Economies of Worth”
  • 15h45-16h45: Alfonso CARBALLO, NEOMA BS Holding Back the Damage: Strong Political Institutions and the Effect of Populism on Business Investment”

January 12th from 10h-17h15, Paris Campus (R509) or Zoom

  • 10h-10h30: Challenge & Advise
  • 10h30-11h20: Dhruv SINGH, NEOMA BS, PhD student – “Navigating the new frontiers of workplace communication: Cultural context, mindset, and the role of AI-based technology”, PhD proposal
  • 11h20-12h10: Francesca NANNETTI, NEOMA BS – “Bringing your family to work: How parenthood homophily and gender influence the formation of network ties”
  • 12h15-14h15: Lunch If you are joining us for lunch in Paris (with the guest speaker as well), please let us know so we can organize the reservation accordingly.
  • 14h20-15h50: Farah KODEIH, IESEG – Presentation + Round Table – “Building collective resilience in times of rising authoritarianism: Civil society organizations in Orbán’s Hungary”
  • 16h-17h: Emma Lei JING, NEOMA BS – “From powerless to powerful: Narrative identity empowered by a repertoire of temporal resources”

February 9th, 2024 from 10h to 16h30 – Paris Campus (R509) or Zoom

  • 10h-10h45: Challenge & Advise
  • 10h45-12h00: Publishing Journey Round Table – Behind the scenes experiences:
    • Urszula LAGOWSKA (NEOMA) in Journal of Applied Psychology
    • Brian (Dongkyu) KIM (NEOMA) in Journal of Business Ethics
    • Serge DA MOTTA VEIGA (NEOMA) in Journal of Vocational Behavior
    • Helena GONZÁLEZ GÓMEZ & Shiva TAGHAVI (NEOMA) in Journal of Business Ethics
    • Nishani BOURMAULT (NEOMA) in Administrative Science Quarterly 
  • 12h00-14h00: Lunch (If you are joining us for lunch in Paris, please let us know so we can organize the reservation accordingly.)
  • 14h00-15h00: Wenhao WANG (NEOMA)Performance consistency: Development and validation of a new measure
  • 15h00-16h30: Ovul SEZER, (SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University) – Presentation + Round Table

Friday 15.03.2024

External Presenter: Isabelle Solal (ESSEC)

Friday 05.04.2024

External Presenter: Lex Washington (Oklahoma State University)

Thursday 23.05.2024

External Presenter – Uta Bindl (Kings College London)

Thursday 06.06.2024

External Presenter – Andrew Hafenbrack (Foster School of Business, Univ of Washington Seattle)


Past seminars


Thursday September 22nd from 10h30 to 16h30, Paris Campus (402b) and on Zoom.

  • 10h30-11h15: Challenge & Advise 
  • 11h15-12h: Anita STARZYK & Nadia-Yin YU, NEOMA BS « Employee voice trajectories and managerial ostracism« 
  • 14h-15h: Research Sharing and Introductions with Azusa NAKAMURA, NEOMA BS
  • 15h-15h45: Dimitri VASILJEVIC & Urszula LAGOWSKA, NEOMA BS « You’re such a liar! The effectof power on verbal reactions to deception in negotiation »
  • 15h45-16h30: Erik WALTRE, NEOMA BS « A New Perspective on Psychological Safety: Advancing a Theory of Social Promotion of Inaction »

October 7, 2022, from 10h to 16h – Paris Campus (SC0401a) or Zoom

  • 10h -11h: Challenge & Advise 
  • 11h -12h: Helena GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, NEOMA BS « Frustration at work« 
  • 12h-14h: Lunch (please let us know if you are joining for lunch in Paris)
  • 14h-15h: Dimitri VASILJEVIC & Shiva TAGHAVI, NEOMA BS  « Does anger expression always result in more concessions in negotiation? The moderating effect of gender expresser »
  • 15h-16h: Carine CHEMIN-BOUZIR & Jean-Baptiste SUQUET, NEOMA BS « In praise of ambiguity in human resource planning: Nurturing ambiguity in social agreements to facilitate implementation »

Friday Nov 18th from 10h-16h30 – Paris Campus (SC0401a) or Zoom

  • 10h -10h30: Rose BOTE, Assistant Professor, NEOMA Business School. Presentation of her research agenda.
  • 10h30 -12h: Maria KAKARIKA, Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour & Leadership at Durham University Business School, UK – «  Sexualize one, objectify all? The sexual objectification spillover effect on female job candidates « 
  • 12h-14h: Lunch (please let us know if you are joining for lunch in Paris)
  • 14h-15h: Challenge & Advice

Monday Dec 12th from 10h-16h30 – Paris Campus (SC0402a) or Zoom

  • 10h30 -11h30: Challenge & Advice
  • 11h30 -13h30 : Lunch (please let us know if you are joining for lunch in Paris)
  • 13h30-14h30: Mehmet ORHAN, Associate Professor of Management and OB at EM Normandie – « Six decades of organizational research: Authorship inequality, elite dominance and, inevitable rise of eminent scholars »
  • 14h30-16h00: Publishing Journey Roundtable
    • Urszula LAGOWSKA , Publishing journey in Public Administration Review
    • Shiva TAGHAVI, Publishing journey in Journal of Business Ethics
    • Hae-Jong Hong, Publishing journey in Journal of International Business
    • Olli-Pekka KAUPPILA, Publishing journey in Journal of Management
    • Helena GONZALEZ, Publishing journey in Journal of Vocational Behavior

February 9th, from 9h30 to 17h30, Paris Campus (Amphithéâtre RDD B) and Zoom

  • 9h-10h: Welcome and coffee
  • 10h-12h: Challenge & Advise
  • 12h-14h: Lunch
  • 14h-17h: Paper development workshop:
    • 14h-14h50: Anita STARZYK (NEOMA): “Caring for the voices of disabled employees: Enabling employee voice to counter anti-ableism in organizations”
    • 14h50-15h40: Nadia YU (NEOMA): “How multiple internship experience help students develop their career”
  • 15h40-16h: Coffee break
    • 16h-16h30: Dilek ERZURUMLU (NEOMA): “Office housework, the underappreciated form of organizational citizenship behavior”
    • 16h30-17h: Dhruv SINGH: “Future of workplace collaboration in the metaverse: A conceptual topological view through disciplined imagination”
  • 17h-17h30: Round table with professor De Vos

Co-organised by NEOMA  Future of Work Area of Excellence, and the People and Organisations Department.

March 17th from 10h to 16h00 in Paris (SC0401a) and on Zoom.

  • 10h -10h15: Welcome + Challenge & Advice
  • 10h15 -11h:Hae-Jung HONG (NEOMA) – “The Person-Perception Process and its Influence on Social Interpersonal Dynamics in Global Teams”
  • 11h -12h:Behnoosh LAHOOTI – PhD Dissertation Proposal Defense (NEOMA) – “To study discrimination of intersectional individuals: A feminism perspective.”
  • 12h -14h: Lunch (please let us know if you are joining for lunch)
  • 14h30-16h00: Celine FLIPO – Presentation + Round Table (IESEG)- “Hiring the ideal worker: Occupational ideals and the effect of task-focused versus identity-focused practices on occupational diversification”.

April 7th from 9h15 to 17h00, Paris campus and on Zoom

  • 9h15 -10h00: Erik WALTRE (NEOMA BS) – “Safety first! Boosting Psychological Safety with Psychological Safeguarding in a Randomized Control Trial”
  • 10h -10h45: Hedia ZANNAD (NEOMA BS) & Loréa BAIADA-HIRECHE (IMT BS) – “When everything has to be (re)built: the dynamics of career resources in a detrimental context-The case of exiled refugees in France and low-skilled employees at Orange”
  • 10h45 -11h30:Patrick LE (NEOMA BS) “Living the good death: extending embodied relationality in the ethics of care at the light of the Death Positive Movement”
  • 11h30 -12h:Helena GONZALEZ & Shiva TAGHAVI (NEOMA BS) – “Workplace Gossip in Times of Organizational Change: A Self-Regulation Perspective.”
  • 12h -14h: Lunch (please let us know if you are joining for lunch in Paris) 
  • 14h15 -15h:Karina JENSEN (NEOMA BS) – “Leading Multicultural Innovation in a Digitally Connected World”
  • 15h-16h30: Nicholas OCCHIUTO (EM Lyon) – Presentation + Round Table – “Profits over People: How Organizational Stigma Shapes the Constituency Building Efforts of Organizations”
  • 16h30 -17h:Pauliina JAASKELAINEN (Visiting Researcher, NEOMA BS) – “Phenomenology of body movements in organizational encounters”

Friday 12.05.2023, from 10h00 to 17h00, Paris campus (SC0401a) and on Zoom

  • 10h00 -11h00: Shiva Taghavi (NEOMA BS), Shora MOTEABBED (George Mason University), & Maria Kakarika (Durham) – « More Women on Board: The Impact of Board Gender Composition on Female Manager’s Motivation to Lead »
  • 11h00 – 11h30: Meet & Greet/ Round table with Farok CONTRACTOR (Rutgers Business School, USA)
  • 11h30 – 12h30: Farok CONTRACTOR (Rutgers Business School, USA) –« India in a Globalized Economy as a Potential Market and Value Chain Partner for Multinational Corporations”
  • 12h30 – 14h30: Lunch (please let us know if you are joining for lunch in Paris)
  • 14h30 – 15h30: Azadeh SAVOLI (IESEG, France)  –“The Impact of Identification and Disidentification with Artificial Intelligence on Employee Job Satisfaction”
  • 15h30 – 16h00: Meet & Greet/ Round table with Azadeh Savoli (IESEG, France)
  • 16h00 – 17h00: Challenge & Advise

Thursday June 8th, from 10h to 17h, Paris campus (401b) and on Zoom

  • 10h00 -10h30: Dimitri VASILJEVIC & Urszula LAGOWSKA (NEOMA BS) – “You’re such a liar! The effect of power on verbal reactions to deception in negotiation
  • 10h30 – 11h00: Dimitri VASILJEVIC (NEOMA BS) – I wasn’t expecting that! The effects of surprise expression on concession making in negotiations
  • 11h00 – 12h00: Carine CHEMIN-BOUZIR & Pierre LESCOAT (NEOMA BS) – « Authority through desire: How consultants can orient collective action in the client company” 
  • 12h00 – 14h00: Lunch (please let us know if you are joining for lunch in Paris) 
  • 14h00 – 14h30: Exchange on P&O Research Seminar Series: Feedback on 2022/23 and Wishes for 2023/24
  • 14h30 – 15h00: Nishani Bourmault (NEOMA BS) – Exchange on new project
  • 15h00 – 16h00: Nadia-Yin YU (NEOMA BS) – « Stability-instability paradox: Curvilinear relationship between representation of women and collective turnover with its contingencies in South Korea »
  • 16h00 – 17h00:Hédia ZANNAD (NEOMA BS) & Nathalie Clavijo « They made it to the top, but at what price? The case of female journalists in France »


September 9th, 2021

  • 13h45-14h45: Challenge & Advise
  • 14h45-15h15: Working paper. Nishani Bourmault (NEOMA) – “Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by French Anesthesiologists
  • 15h15-15h45: Working paper. Anita Starzyk (NEOMA) & Jana Bauer (University of Cologne) – « Disabled voices: How ableism prevents diverse employee voice in organizations. »
  • 15h45-16h45: Round Table. Everybody’s ongoing research projects.

October 1, 2021

  • 10h00-11h45: Co-writing (animated by Anita STARZYK, NEOMA)
  • 14h00-15h00: Challenge & Advise
  • 15h00-16h00: Working paper. Sarah Hudson (Rennes School of Business) & Helena González Gómez (NEOMA) – “Artificial Intelligence and human resource decisions: Emotions, justice, and employee outcomes”

November 18, 2021

  • 14h-14h30: Challenge & Advise
  • 14h30-15h: Open discussion led by Emmanouela Mandalaki (NEOMA): “Diversity of knowledge in academia
  • 15h-16h: Guest talk. Eric Quintane, (ESMT, Germany): “Network turnover contagion as resource loss”
  • 16h-16h30: Round table with Eric Quintane (ESMT, Germany)
  • 16h30-17h30: Paper discussion by Urszula Lagowska (NEOMA), Juliana Mansur and Filipe Sobral (Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration, Rio de Janeiro): “It’s a Matter of (the Right) Fit: The Effects of Leader-Follower Complementary Fit on Follower Psychological Safety, Performance, and Creativity”

December 10, 2021

  • 10h-11h: Challenge & Advise
  • 11h-12h: Anita Starzyk, NEOMA: « Disabled employee voices: How ableism and organizational caring affect employees with disabilities in organizations »
  • 14h-15h: Birgit Schyns, NEOMA: « Negative leadership and well-being in new working forms »
  • 15h-16h30: Guest talk. Sofija Pajic, Radboud University (Netherlands): « Is leadership particularly important for health of vulnerable employees? The role of constructive and destructive leadership »

January 21, 2022

  • 10h-11h: Challenge & Advise 
  • 14h-15h: Sirio Lonati, NEOMA « Are the verbal charismatic leadership tactics universal? A first empirical investigation across cultures »
  • 15h-16h30: Guest talk. Camille Pradies, EDHEC Business School « With heart and head: A model of how emotions shape paradox navigation in veterinary work. »

February 25, 2022

  • 14h-15h: Rouslan KOUMAKHOV, NEOMA « “Public Administration” on efficiency and cognition « 
  • 15h-16h: Challenge & Advise

March 25, 2022

  • 14h-14h45: Sharing of Research – Publishing Journeys

Vijay PEREIRA (NEOMA), publishing journey in MIT Sloan Management Review

Birgit SCHYNS (NEOMA), publishing journey in Journal of Business Ethics

Nadia YU (NEOMA), publishing journey in Journal of Vocational Behavior

Pascal PAILLE (NEOMA), publishing journey in Journal of Business Research

Nishani BOURMAULT (NEOMA), publishing journey in Journal of Management Studies

  • 14h45-15h30: Paper Presentation – Nadia YU (NEOMA) “Effective Intervention in Technology Adaptation: A 2×2 Coping Framework Entailing Contextual and Developmental Variance”
  • 15h30-16h30: Challenge & Advise

April 29, 2022

  • 11h00-12h00: Challenge & Advise
  • 14h15-14h45: Discussion Research Project – Hye-Jung EUN (NEOMA BS) – Creativity pressure and uncertainty at work
  • 15h00-16h30: Guest Talk – Jorge A. Alvarado-Valencia (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia) – Improving forecasting support systems for experts

May 20, 2022

  • 10h30-12h: Anna Schneider, University of Innsbruck« The role of conventions in creating a high-skill mediated labour market: the case of an Engineering service provider « 
  • 14h-15h: Challenge & Advise 
  • 15h-16h: Research Discussion/Sharing on Upcoming Summer ConferencesJean-Baptiste SUQUET, Anita STARZYK, Nishani BOURMAULT (NEOMA) on EGOS & AOM.

June 10, 2022

  • 11h-12h: Lucie WIART & Nicolas BEFORT, NEOMA BS« Supporting alternative organizing: competing logics for socio-ecological transformation »
  • 14h-15h: Urszula LAGOWSKA, NEOMA BS“Color is Complex: How Colorism Affects Black Leaders’ Opportunities”
  • 15h-15h45: Olli-Pekka KAUPPILA, NEOMA BS & David OBSTFELD « A micro-macro, brokerage-based theory of organizing in response to disruptive change »
  • 15h45-16h30: Nishani BOURMAULT, NEOMA BS – « A Fundamental and Voluntary Reinvention of One’s Work: The Case of French Anesthesiologists Using Hypnosis »


  • November 6th (zoom) – Sarah Gilmore, Cardiff University (UK)Qualitative  
  • December 10th (zoom) – Curtis Chan, Boston College (US) Qualitative  
  • January 21st or 14th (TBD) – (zoom) – Thomas Roulet, Judge Business School (UK) Qualitative & Quantitative  
  • February 18th (zoom) – Shira Mor, Harvard Fellow (US) & Tel Aviv UniversityQuantitative  
  • March 18th – (zoom) – Corentin Curchod, University of Edinburgh Business School (UK)Quant & Qualitative 
  • April 29th (zoom) – Paul Hanges, University of Maryland (US)Quantitative  
  • May 20th or 27th TBC  (zoom) – Matthew Brashears, University of South Carolina (US) Quantitative  
  • June 10th – (zoom or Paris) – Uta Bindl, King’s Business School (UK)Quantitative & Qualitative