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Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Economie

Stephane Lhuillery est professeur à NEOMA Business School. Il est diplômé de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris Saclay, a obtenu son doctorat de l'Université de la Sorbonne Paris Nord et, a occupé précédemment des postes permanents à l'Université de la Sorbonne Paris Nord, l'EPFL, ICN Business School. Ses recherches portent sur les déterminants de l'innovation et plus particulièrement sur l'innovation ouverte, avec un accent récent sur les innovations vertes. Il est également régulièrement impliqué dans l'évaluation des politiques d'innovation. Ses articles ont été publiés dans des revues telles que Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Journal of Evolutionary Economics ou Health economics. Il est membre du comité scientifique de la revue en libre accès M@n@gement. Il est également membre de la Schumpeter Society et de l'Association Française d'Economie (AFSE).

Domaines de spécialisation

  • Politiques d'innovation
  • Innovation ouverte
  • Bioéconomie

Récentes contributions académiques

  • LHUILLERY, S., M. TELLECHEA, S. THIÉRY, "Innovation in lieu of compliance: Internal audit departments’ standardized and non-standardized knowledge sources", Technovation, Mai 2023, vol. 123, pp. 102720
    DOI : 10.1016/j.technovation.2023.102720
  • THIERY, S., S. LHUILLERY, M. TELLECHEA, "How can governance, human capital, and communication practices enhance internal audit quality?", Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Septembre 2023, vol. 52
    DOI : 10.1016/j.intaccaudtax.2023.100566
  • MORALES, M. E., S. LHUILLERY, M. GHOBAKHLOO, "Circularity effect in the viability of bio-based industrial symbiosis: Tackling extraordinary events in value chains", Journal of Cleaner Production, Mai 2022, no. 348
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131387


  • THIERY, S., S. LHUILLERY, M. TELLECHEA, "How can governance, human capital, and communication practices enhance internal audit quality?", Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Septembre 2023, vol. 52
    DOI : 10.1016/j.intaccaudtax.2023.100566
  • LHUILLERY, S., M. TELLECHEA, S. THIÉRY, "Innovation in lieu of compliance: Internal audit departments’ standardized and non-standardized knowledge sources", Technovation, Mai 2023, vol. 123, pp. 102720
    DOI : 10.1016/j.technovation.2023.102720
  • MORALES, M. E., S. LHUILLERY, M. GHOBAKHLOO, "Circularity effect in the viability of bio-based industrial symbiosis: Tackling extraordinary events in value chains", Journal of Cleaner Production, Mai 2022, no. 348
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131387
  • MENDOZA, M. A., M. R. ALFONSO, S. LHUILLERY, "A battle of drones: Utilizing legitimacy strategies for the transfer and diffusion of dual-use technologies", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Mai 2021, vol. 166, pp. 120539
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120539
  • NEGASSI, S., S.LHUILLERY, J.-F.SATTIN, T.-Y.HUNG, F.PRATLONG, "Does the relationship between innovation and competition vary across industries? Comparison of public and private research enterprises", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Mai 2019, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 465-482
    DOI : 10.1080/10438599.2018.1527552
  • LAURENS, P., C. LE BAS, S. LHUILLERY, "Firm specialization in clean energy technologies: The influence of path dependence and technological diversification", Revue d'Economie Industrielle, Octobre 2018, no. 164, pp. 73-106
    DOI : 10.4000/rei.7625
  • LAURENS, P., C.LE BAS, S.LHUILLERY, A.SCHOEN, "The determinants of cleaner energy innovations of the world's largest firms: the impact of firm learning and knowledge capital", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Juin 2017, vol. 4, no. 26, pp. 311-333
    DOI : 10.1080/10438599.2016.1193940
  • MARINO, M., S.LHUILLERY, P.PARROTTA, D.SALA, "Additionaly ot crowding-out? An overall evaluation of public R&D subsidy on private R&D expenditure", Research Policy, Novembre 2016, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1715-1730
    DOI : 10.1016/j.respol.2016.04.009
  • LAMIRAUD, K., S.LHUILLERY, "Endogenous technology adoption and medical costs", Health Economics, Septembre 2016, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1123 - 1147
    DOI : 10.1002/hec.3361.
  • LAURENS, P., C.LE BAS, A.SCHOEN, S.LHUILLERY, "Technological contribution of MNEs to the growth of energy-greentech sector in the early post-Kyoto period", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Avril 2016, vol. 18, no. 20, pp. 169-191
  • AVADIKYAN, A., S.LHUILLERY, S.NEGASSI, "Technological innovation, organizational change, and product-related services", M@n@gement, Janvier 2016, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 277-304
    DOI : 10.3917/mana.194.0277
  • SIMETH, M., S.LHUILLERY, "How do firms develop capabilities for scientific disclosure?", Research Policy, Septembre 2015, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1283-1295
    DOI : 10.1016/j.respol.2015.04.005
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Marketing and persistent innovation success", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Août 2014, vol. 23, no. 5-6, pp. 517-543
    DOI : 10.1080/10438599.2014.895512
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The impact of corporate governance practices on R&D efforts: a look at shareholders' rights, cross-listing and control pyramid", Industrial and Corporate Change, Juin 2011, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1475-1513
    DOI : 10.1093/icc/dtr022
  • LHUILLERY, S., E.PFISTER, "Do firms know the scope of their R&D network? An empirical investigation of network awareness on French survey data", Industry and Innovation, Janvier 2011, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 105-130
  • BOGERS, M., S.LHUILLERY, "A functional perspective on learning and innovation: investigating the organization of absorptive capacity", Industry and Innovation, Août 2011, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 581-610
    DOI : 10.1080/13662716.2011.591972
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Absorptive capacity, efficiency effect and competitors' spillovers", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Octobre 2011, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 649-663
  • FORAY, D., S.LHUILLERY, "Structural changes in industrial R&D in Europe and the US: towards a new model?", Science and Public Policy, Juillet 2010, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 401-412
    DOI : 10.3152/030234210X508606
  • LHUILLERY, S., E.PFISTER, "R&D cooperation and failures in innovation projects; Empirical evidence from French CIS data", Research Policy, Février 2009, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 45-57
    DOI : 10.1016/j.respol.2008.09.002
  • RAFFO, J., S.LHUILLERY, "How to play the "names game": Patent retrieval comparing different heuristics", Research Policy, Décembre 2009, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 1617-1627
    DOI : 10.1016/j.respol.2009.08.001
  • RAFFO, J., S.LHUILLERY, L.MIOTTI, "Northern and southern innovativity: a comparison across European and Latin American countries", European Journal of Development Research, Juin 2008, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 219-239
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Voluntary technological disclosure as an efficient knowledge management device: an empirical study", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Janvier 2006, vol. 4/5, pp. 465-491
    DOI : 10.1080/10438590500513008
  • LHUILLERY, S., "An empirical analysis of R&D transactions: Surrogate technological networks and firms' performances", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Mars 1997, vol. 4, pp. 301-319
  • LHUILLERY, S., P.TEMPLE, "L'organisation de la R&D dans les PMI-PME", Economie et Statistique, Janvier 1994, vol. 271, no. 1, pp. 77-85

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • BOGERS, M., S.LHUILLERY, "“Open” Product and Process Innovation: The Complementary Roles of R&D, Manufacturing and Marketing in External Knowledge Sourcing" dans World Scientific Reference on Innovation., Donald Siegel Ed., World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 77-110, 2018
    DOI : 10.1142/9789813149083_0004
  • LHUILLERY, S., J.RAFFO, I.HAMDAN-LIVRAMENTO, "Measurement of Innovation" dans The Eldgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation., Harald Bathelt; Patrick Cohendet; Sebastian Henn; Laurent Simon Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 99-118, 2017
  • RAFFO, J., S.LHUILLERY, F.FREITAS, L.MIOTTI, J. A.DE NEGRI, "Innovativity, Productivity and Exports: a Comparison across European and Latin-American Countries" dans L'innovation; dans les enterprises: moteurs, moyens at enjeux., Ed., Collection Références, pp. 228-259, 2011
  • FORAY, D., S.LHUILLERY, "Une région apprenante dans le tournoi mondial" dans Le feu au lac., Comtesse X., Van Der Poel C. Eds, Editions du Tricorne, pp. 103-135, 2006
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The research and development tax incentives: a comparative analysis of various national mechanisms" dans Technology policy in theory and practice., Patrick Llerena, Mireille Matt Eds, Springer Verlag, pp. 221-250, 2005
    DOI : 10.1007/3-540-26452-3_9
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Managing surveys on knowledge: the french practices in the nineties" dans Knowledge Management in the Innovation Process., De la Mothe J., Foray, D. Eds, Kluwer Acadamic Publisher, pp. 123-150, 2001
    DOI : 10.1007/978-1-4615-1535-7
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Impact et complémentarité des pratiques organisationnelles de l’innovation: une investigation économétrique" dans Activites technologiques connaissances et organisation., Catin, M., Guilhon, B. Le Bas, C. Eds, L'Harmattan, pp. 19-44, 2001
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Formes de R&D et taille des entreprises: un retour sur la conjecture schumpterienne" dans Les conditions économiques du changement technologique., Catin, M. Bernard, J. Eds, L'Harmattan, 2000
  • LHUILLERY, S., L.BACH, "Recherche et externalités: tradition économique et renouveau" dans Innovations et performances., Foray, D. & Mairesse, J. Eds, Editions de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, pp. 339-366, 1999
  • LHUILLERY, S., B.RÉMI, M.HARFI, "Rapport du groupe de synthèse" dans Recherche et innovation: La France dans la compétition mondiale., Ed., La documentation française, pp. 21-107, 1999
  • LHUILLERY, S., S.HAAS, "Organisation industrielle et gestion de l'innovation des entreprises" dans Recherche et innovation: la France dans la compétition mondiale., Ed., La documentation française, pp. 383-435, 1999
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Innovation in French manufaturing industry in OECD" dans Innovation, Patents and Technological Strategies., Ed., OECD Publishing, pp. 89-124, 1996
  • LHUILLERY, S., P.TEMPLÉ , "Crédit impôt recherche et innovation" dans Performances et politiques tecnologiques., Héraud, J.H. and Humbert, M. Eds, Economica, pp. 155-182, 1995
  • LHUILLERY, S., P.TEMPLÉ, "Organisation de la R&D et innovation" dans L'innovation technologique dans l'industrie., SESSI Ed., Dunod, pp. 259-265, 1994
  • LHUILLERY, S., P.TEMPLÉ, "Du financement de la R&D à celui de l'innovation" dans L'innovation technologique dans l'industrie., SESSI Ed., Dunod, pp. 231-240, 1994


  • LHUILLERY, S., L'innovation technologique dans l'industrie, La documentation française, Paris, France, 1996

Academic conferences

  • LHUILLERY, S., "Green farming practices and the eco-label strategy" dans 24th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference – Standards for a Bio-Based Economy –, 2019, Rome, Italie
  • MENDOZA, M. A., S.LHUILLERY, M. A.MENDOZA, "Strategic Reorientation in Times of Economic Crisis: Operationalizing Ambidexterity in Dual-Use Tech" dans Academy of Management, 2019
    DOI : 10.5465/AMBPP.2019.223
  • MENDOZA, M. A., S.LHUILLERY, "Strategic Reorientation in Times of Economic Crisis: Operationalizing Ambidexterity in Dual-Use Tech" dans 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2019 - AOM, Academy of Management, 2019, Boston, États-Unis
  • LHUILLERY, S., M. A.MENDOZA, M.RODRIGUEZ, "A Battle of Drones: Utilizing Legitimacy Strategies for the Transfer and Diffusion of Dual-Use Technologies" dans DRUID 2018, 2018, Copenhagen, Danemark
  • LHUILLERY, S., K.LAMIRAUD, "The Determinant of User Innovation in medical imaging devices" dans DRUID Asia, 2016, Singapore
  • KARINE, L., S.LHUILLERY, "Technology and Endogeneous Heath Care Costs" dans 6th Australian Workshop in Health Economics, 2015, Melbourne, Australie
  • MARINO, M., S.LHUILLERY, P.PARROTA, "An overall evaluation of public R&D subsidy on private r&d expenditure in absence or in combination with R&D tax credit incentives" dans DRUID Conference, 2015, Rome, Italie
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The technological contribution to cleaner energy of the world’s largest firms: a patent perspective" dans Governance of a Complex World 3rd edition, 2014, Turin, Italie
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.SIMETH, "The Organization of Industrial R&D and Scientific Disclosure" dans Academy of Management, vol. 2013, no. 1, pp. 10814, 2013, Florida, États-Unis
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.SIMETH, "The R&D antecedents of scientific openness strategies by firms" dans Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management, vol. 2013, no. 1, pp. 10814, 2013
  • LHUILLERY, S., A.AVADYKIAN, "Technological innovation, organizational change and product related services" dans EURAM Conference, 2013, Istanbul, Turquie
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.SIMETH, "The Organization of Industrial R&D and Scientific Disclosure" dans DRUID Summer Conference, 2012, Copenhagen, Danemark
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.SIMETH, "The Organization of Industrial R&D and Scientific Disclosure" dans EURAM 2012, 2012, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.SIMETH, "The Organization of Industrial R&D and Scientific Disclosure" dans OUI Conference, 2012, Cambridge, États-Unis
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.SIMETH, "The Organization of Industrial R&D and Scientific Disclosure" dans RANDMA Conference, 2012, Grenoble, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., J.RAFFO, "Individuals' Patenting and Economic Uncertainty: Macro and Micro Evidences" dans APE-INV Conference, 2012, Leuven, Belgique
  • LHUILLERY, S., P.LLERENA, "The benefits from tax-based research policy : the case of France" dans 13th Handelsblatt Annual Conference "Chemistry", 2012, Frankfurt, Allemagne
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.SIMETH, "The Organization of Industrial R&D and Scientific Disclosure" dans Conference on the organization, economics and policy of scientific research, 2012, Moncalieri, Italie
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.MARINO, P.PARROTTA, "Fine Tuning R&D Policy" dans Workshop international sur l evaluation des aides publiques a la R&D, 2011, Paris, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., K.LAMIRAUD, "The determinants of user innovation in medical imaging devices" dans Conference on the Economics of Knowledge Policy, 2010, Ascona, Suisse
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Complementary assets, alliances and learning" dans European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE), 2010, Bordeaux, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.BOGERS, "Functional perspective on open innovation: linking external and internal sources of innovation" dans 11th International CINet Conference, 2010, Zurich, Suisse
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.BOGERS, "A functional perspective on open innovation: linking external and internal sources of innovation" dans Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, 2010, Montreal, Canada
  • LHUILLERY, S., K.LAMIRAUD, "The determinants of user innovation in medical imaging devices" dans 8th Annual International Open and User Innovation Workshop, 2010, Massachusetts, États-Unis
  • LHUILLERY, S., K.LAMIRAUD, "The determinants of user innovation in medical imaging devices" dans Schumpeter 2010, 2010, Aalborg, Danemark
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.BOGERS, "A functional perspective on open innovation: linking external and internal sources of innovation" dans Druid summer conference, 2010, London, Royaume-Uni
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Do firms know the scope of their R&D network? An empirical investigation of network awareness" dans DIME workshop “The Structure and Dynamics of Knowledge Networks”, 2009, Eindhoven, Pays-Bas
  • LHUILLERY, S., K.LAMIRAUD, "New Technologies and Medical Costs" dans 7th World Congress on Health Economics, International Health Economics Association conference, 2009, Beijin, Chine
  • LHUILLERY, S., K.LAMIRAUD, "Embedded Demand for New Technologies: Evidence from CT and PET Scanners" dans Thematic Meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE), Firms, Markets and Innovation, 2009, Sophia Antipolis, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.BOGERS, "Innovation without R&D: Measuring the Economic Impact of Informal Innovation in User Firms" dans Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2009, Chicago, États-Unis
  • LHUILLERY, S., K.LAMIRAUD, "User innovation in the medical imaging devices: the CT scanner case" dans 7th Annual International Open and User Innovation Workshop, 2009, Hamburg, Allemagne
  • LHUILLERY, S., K.LAMIRAUD, "New Technologies and Medical Costs" dans NBER summer conference, 2008, Cambridge, États-Unis
  • LHUILLERY, S., K.LAMIRAUD, "Embedded Demand for New Technologies: Evidence from CT and PET Scanners, Demand, Innovation and Industrial Dynamics" dans KITeS - CESPRI, 2008, Milan, Italie
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.BOGERS, "The role of non-R&D activities in learning and innovation" dans Academy of Management Meeting, pp. 726, 2008, Anaheim, États-Unis
  • LHUILLERY, S., J.RAFFO, "How to play the “Names Game”: Patent retrieval comparing different heuristics" dans 3rd Annual Conference of the EPIP Association, 2008, Bern, Suisse
  • LHUILLERY, S., J.RAFFO, "We Can Choose our Friends, but Can We Pick our Patent Families?" dans EPO/OECD Patent Families Workshop, 2008, Vienna, Autriche
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Absorption for innovation or imitation" dans STRIKE (Science and Technology Research In a Knowledge based Economy) conference, 2007, Leuven, Belgique
  • LHUILLERY, S., A.AVADYKIAN, "Technology, organization and services: a micro data level analysis in five European countries" dans Organisational innovation: the dynamics of organizational capabilities and design, 2007, Nice, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "How to play the “Names Game”: Patent retrieval comparing different heuristics" dans Conference on Patent Statistics for Policy Decision Making, Workshop on PATSTAT database, 2007, Venice, Italie
  • LHUILLERY, S., J.RAFFO, L.MIOTTI, "Innovativity, productivity and exports: a comparison across European and Latin-American countries Micro Evidence on Innovation in Developing Economies" dans UNU-MERIT, 2007, Maastricht, Pays-Bas
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The impact of governance practices on R&D intensity of firms: an econometric study of the French largest groups" dans SSES Annual Meeting, 2006, Lugano, Suisse
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The impact of governance practices on R&D intensity of firms: an econometric study of the French largest groups" dans Association Française de Science Economique, 2006, Strasbourg, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The impact of governance practices on R&D intensity of firms: an econometric study of the French largest groups" dans DIME conference, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The R&D kiss of death: empirical evidence of failure to cooperation" dans 11th ISS Conference, Innovation, competition and growth: Schumpeterian perspectives, 2006, Sophia Antipolis, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The determinants of university license contractual arrangements" dans 2nd ExTra workshop: Technology transfer from universities: A critical appraisal of patents, spin-offs and human mobility, 2006, Laussane, Suisse
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.BOGERS, "Measuring Informal Innovation: from non R&D to On-line Knowledge Production" dans PRIME Conference, 2006, Lugano, Suisse
  • LHUILLERY, S., C.ZELLNER, "Mobility and early careers of Swiss PhDs" dans 2nd ExTra workshop: Technology transfer from universities: A critical appraisal of patents, spin-offs and human mobility, 2006, Laussane, Suisse
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.BOGERS, "Measuring Informal Innovation: from non R&D to On-line Knowledge Production" dans Use of Technology and Science Symposium, 2005, Oslo, Norvège
  • LHUILLERY, S., N.GRANDFILS, V.PARIS, L.ROCHAIX, "The determinants of drug pricing in France: an econometric analysis" dans International Health Economics Association, 5th World Congress: Investing in Health, 2005, Barcelona, Espagne
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The R&D kiss of death: empirical evidence of failure to cooperation" dans LIV ème Annual Meeting of the “Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE)”, 2005, Paris, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Organisation and location of academic sourcing at the firm level" dans Conference in Memory of Ehud Zuscovitch, 2002, Strasbourg, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Voluntary technological disclosure as an efficient knowledge management device: an empirical study" dans Workshop on Innovation, technological change and growth in knowledge based and service intense economies, 2001, Stockholm, Suède
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Schumpeter’s conjecture on size revisited thanks to new innovation output and input indicators" dans The Eighth International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference, 2000, Manchester, Royaume-Uni
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The organization of innovation and its effectiveness: an empirical investigation" dans International Conference on Innovation, Appropriation Strategies and Economics, 1999, Paris, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Formes de R&D et taille des entreprises : un retour sur la conjecture schumpeterienne" dans Conference S.E.S.A.M.E., 1996, Toulon, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "R&D et capacité d’absorption des firmes" dans Présentation au colloque ‘La connaissance dans la dynamique des organisations productives’, 1995, Aix en Provence, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Crédit Impôt Recherche et Innovation" dans Conference ‘Croissance, Technologie et Compétitivité’, 1994, Le Mans, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "An Empirical Analysis of R&D Transactions: Toward Subrogate Technological Networks" dans conference “Evolutionary Economics of Technological Change: Assessment of results and new Frontiers”, E.U.N.E.T.I.C., vol. 2, pp. 1035-1056, 1994, Strasbourg, France

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • LHUILLERY, S., S. MENU, S. THIERY, M. TACHELLA, S. ATMANE, "Étude pour la CNEPI-2021 – La R&D des groupes français et le CIR", France Stratégie, 2021
  • LHUILLERY, S., M.TELLECHEA, S.THIERY, "Knowledge sources of internal audit innovation" Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne. 2020, Paris, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "La stratégie française d’innovation" Conférence "Armement et économie de la défense" , Institut Des Hautes Études De Défense Nationale. 2020, Paris, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "How Sustainable and Eco-Certified Agriculture modify farmers’ external knowledge sourcing" dans First annual workshop CERCIS, CEntre for Research on Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs (CERCIS), 2019, Ferrare, Italie
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The impact of sustainable farming and eco-certificates on innovation networks" Université de Ferrare, Centre for Research in Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs (CERCIS), First annual workshop. 2019, Ferrare, Italie
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The impact of sustainable farming and eco-certificates on innovation networks" dans EAEPE Conference, 2019, Stuttgart, Allemagne
  • LHUILLERY, S., N. BEFORT, S. ATMANE, "Biotech and bioeconomy: six of one and half a dozen of the other?" dans Colloque SFER 2019, 2019, Reims, France
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Evaluation des interactions des politiques publiques d’aide à la R & D" Evaluation du crédit d’impôt recherche. 2018, Paris, France
  • LEVRATTO, N., S.LHUILLERY, T.ZACHAREWICZ, "RIO Country Report 2017: France, JRC Science for Policy Report,", 2018
  • LHUILLERY, S., T.ZACHAREWICZ, "RIO Country Report 2016: France, JRC Science for Policy Report,", 2017
  • LHUILLERY, S., J.RAFFO, I.HAMDAN-LIVRAMENTO, "Measuring creativity : Learning from innovation measurement - Working Paper No. 31", World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 2016
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Évaluation de l'impact des aides directes et indirectes à la R&D en France", 2014
  • LHUILLERY, S., D.FORAY, G.ABRAHAM, J.RAFFO, "Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Economic Focus Study on SMEs and Intellectual Property in Switzerland,", 2009
  • LHUILLERY, S., D.FORAY, "La Suisse dans une économie globalisée de la connaissance", 2006
  • LHUILLERY, S., F.SACHWALD, "Profil des activités de R&D des entreprises étrangères en France", F. Sachwald, Internationalisation de la R&D des entreprises et attractivité de la France, Rapport FutuRIS, 2004
  • LHUILLERY, S., E.JEFFERS, H.MAMAR, E., M.MOUHOUD, D.PLIHON, "Gouvernance et innovation", 2004
  • LHUILLERY, S., "The organizational practices of innovation and the performances of firms : an empirical investigation, Dynacom report", 2000
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Les enquêtes nationales sur le changement organisationnel", 1998
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Problems involved in designing and implementing R&D tax incentive schemes", in OECD ed., Fiscal Measures to Promote R&D and Innovation, GD(96)165, pp 38-57., 1996
  • LHUILLERY, S., J.GADREY, F.GALLOUJ, T.RIBAULT, O.WENSTEIN, "La R&D dans les services", 1993

Revues professionnelles

  • LHUILLERY, S., A.AVADIKYAN, "European mechanical companies: technological differences and organisational similarities", Bulletin EMIS, Mai 2006, no. 2
  • LHUILLERY, S., C.CARPENTIER, "Firmes de biotechnologie indépendantes et dépôts de brevets: une exploration économétrique", Education et formations, Octobre 2006, vol. 73, pp. 1-13
  • LHUILLERY, S., A.AVADIKYAN, "Les entreprises françaises de mécanique: quand l’organisation supplante la technologie", Bulletin EMIS, Mars 2006, vol. 1
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Un panorama international des mécanismes nationaux d'aides fiscales à la recherche et à l'innovation", Note d'Information de la DPD, Septembre 2005, no. 05.02
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Les entreprises de biotech en France", Note d'Information de la DPD, Septembre 2003, vol. 1
  • LHUILLERY, S., O.LAMOULINE, "L'innovation technologique dans les établissements de crédit et les sociétés d'assurances", Note d'Information de la DPD, Août 1998, no. 26, pp. 6
  • LHUILLERY, S., "L’innovation technologique dans l’industrie: l’innovateur solitaire est un mythe", Le 4 pages des statistiques industrielles, Avril 1995, no. 46
  • LHUILLERY, S., "Warum hören Unternehmen auf, innovativ zu sein?", ZEW wirtschaftsanalysen, Janvier 1994, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 401-414